Monday, 5 October 2009

UCU Rally Thursday October 8th, Leeds Uni

Defend Jobs, Defend Education

UCU, UNISON and UNITE rally: Defend Jobs in Higher Education, This Thursday, October 8th, 1230 outside the Edward Boyle Library

The threat to our members jobs and to members of our sister unions continues to increase. Over the summer we have seen 20 voluntary severances in the School of Healthcare and over 30 in the Faculty of Biological Sciences (FBS). The university has stated that it is looking for 60 jobs to go in FBS and has made clear its determination to achieve this level of cuts. Reviews are taking place in at least five other schools and institutes throughout the university.

It is vital that UCU members show their solidarity with those whose jobs are under threat; tomorrow it could be your job. Even if you can’t attend, you can print out the rally notice and attach it to your door, window and notice board.

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