The main issue of the IOU campaign is basically that, despite the AoC and the unions reaching a nationally agreed pay scale in 2004 (5 years ago now!) a lot of colleges are still to implement this yet, ourselves included. Realistically all colleges have had reasonable time to implement this pay scale and the IOU campaign is a national campaign designed to force uncompliant colleges into harmonisation. (over 50% of colleges are operating on this harmonised pay spine now)
The harmonised national pay scale, designed to provide higher salaries for new lecturers and faster progression to the top points, is £22,857-34,587 spread over 8 increments. In addition the harmonised pay spine has an automatic incremental wage rise annually.
Our salary currently only reaches £32, 588 (top of grade C) and by our reckoning has 11 incremental points. Most importantly there is NO AUTOMATIC INCREMENTAL WAGE RISE at LCAD. Incremental rises are rare and seemingly given out at the whim of senior management so the harmonised pay spine's automatic increment would be of most benefit to LCAD staff.
In the first wave of action in Feb, 11 colleges took strike action to force the employers hand
We would be joining in the 2nd wave (the only branch in Yorkshire as we understand it) with a number of other colleges taking similar action. If there was to be strike action it would occur around April
time but of course, we are seeking to implement the harmonised pay spine without having to resort to striking.
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